California's #1 Flat Fee MLS


Includes Dedicated Agent Support,Contracts & Negotiations

— Since 2005 —

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California's #1Flat Fee MLS


Includes Dedicated Agent Support, Contracts & Negotiations

— Since 2005 —

Submit Your Listing

$4,995 Flat Fee MLS Listing Includes:

Dedicated Remote Agent & Team Support

12 Month MLS Listing

Unlimited Photos on the MLS

Listed on the MLS in 1 Business Day / 24 Hours

Unlimited Listing Changes

Listed on Redfin, Zillow, & More

Contracts Prepared

Offers Negotiated

Free to Cancel at Anytime

No Added Fees

Facts On Our Flat Fee Listing Fees

Flat Fee Access offers a one low flat fee to residential home sellers to create their MLS listing and provide them with comprehensive support throughout the sales process. Here are the facts about our flat fee MLS listing fees:

• One, low flat fee• No upfront fees• No listing commission fees• Free maximum listing photos• No added broker fees• No setup fees• Free listing changes• Pay nothing until your home sells• Cancel at anytime for no charge

Submit Your Listing

How Do We Offer Flat Fee MLS & Full Service?

With Our Remote Agents & Flat Fee MLS Support Teams

Flat Fee Access understands how communication is evolving and transforming the way agents and their clients connect, making virtual communication the new normal.

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Flat Fee MLS Reviews...

There is absolutely no reason to pay more to list your property. I thought it might be too good to be true. It's not! They took care of everything for us - listing, negotiations, contracts, organizing escrow, working with the buyer agent, and helping us sell our house very quickly. I highly recommend Flat Fee Access!

Serena Lambiase

How Our Flat Fee MLS Listing Works

Send Us Your
Listing Information

Our brokerage will review your flat fee MLS listing submission, answer questions and provide a competitive market analysis and selling strategy.

We Post Your
Listing on the MLS

Your flat fee MLS listing provides the greatest exposure to brokers/agents and syndicates your listing to over 150 real estate websites including, Redfin and Zillow.

Your Agent & Team
Manage the Sales Process

You get more than a flat fee MLS listing, you'll get a dedicated agent and team to prepare contracts, negotiate and submit counter offers, open escrow and more. All for a single flat fee.

Submit Your Listing

Flat Fee MLS Reviews...

Excellent, excellent service. I looked long and hard at many flat fee listing services. This one is by far and away the best service for the price. I got better service than I have gotten from some realtors who charge a 3% commission!

James Van Duker

MLS Listing Syndication to Over 150 Sites

Flat Fee Access Q&A

Are there any upfront listing fees or charges?

NO! You will never pay a penny until your home is sold. There are no processing fees, and we will never ask for your credit card.

Will my agent help me with sales negotiations?

YES! Your agent will review your offers and negotiate the sale of your home on your behalf.
 Just have the buyer or their agent contact your agent, or send us their information and your agent will contact them directly. If you prefer to negotiate your own offers, that's ok to. Just let us know and we'll prepare the paperwork.

Will my agent help with my sales contract?

YES! Your assigned agent will provide and review all contracts needed for the sale of your home. Just like a full service real estate agent, but without the additional cost.

When do I pay for my flat fee MLS listing?

Your flat fee will be paid through escrow and will be listed as the listing agent fee. You don’t pay anything until your escrow closes.

Will my flat fee listing be on the same MLS that real estate agents use?

YES! This is the same MLS that all real estate agents use to list and locate properties. Agents will be able to search and find your home listing on the MLS. Agents and Buyers will be able to search and find your home on all syndicated MLS websites.

What MLS listing areas do you cover?

All MLS areas in Southern California!
 We can create a listing on any local MLS within the state of California.
We do not currently work with MLS outside the state of California.

Create Your MLS Listing

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Flat Fee MLS Listing

Ask for Megan Whitmore
Email Megan

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